Wednesday 5 May 2010

3 Crucial Times to Take Whey Protein


Whey protein is the king of all workout supplements. It is derived from milk during the process of making cheese. This protein digests very quickly and has a high bioavailability. Bioavailability is just a fancy name for your bodies ability to absorb and utilize a substance. Whey protein is used to stop muscle breakdown from one of two sources. First, around workouts and second, after fasting (i.e. after waking up.) Follow the times laid out below and you will be building lean muscle in no time.

Upon Wake Up: Getting a good nights rest is mandatory for gaining muscle. The draw back to sleeping for 7-8hrs is your body is starved for fuel during that time. This is why a whey protein shake is crucial within 30 minutes of waking up. This will stop the breakdown of amino acids from your muscles to fuel your body/brain and turn you into an anabolic state.

Pre-Workout: Before your workout it is a great idea to take a whey protein shake about 30 minutes before you start training. This is important because after your body burns all the stored glycogen in your muscles(stored carbs), amino acids from muscle breakdown are used for fuel. Taking protein will give your body amino acids to halt the break down of muscle during training.

Post-Workout: This is by far the most important time to supplement with whey protein. Take a protein shake immediately after the end of your training. This will give your body a quick shot of amino acids and begin the process of rebuilding broken down muscle tissue and start building new muscle mass.

Supplement whey protein at these times and you will start to build lean muscle without a doubt.


Read More About 3 Crucial Times to Take Whey Protein

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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