Thursday 13 May 2010

Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Powder

Why You Need Whey Protein to Building Muscle Mass!

In order to build muscle you need to supply your body with amino acids that it needs to repair the muscle fibers after you exercise. Amino acids come from protein. When ever you eat a food that contains protein your body breaks it down and uses the amino acids for many functions in the body including building muscle. The easiest and most effective way to intake protein is by using a protein powder, in particular Whey Protein which has the highest biological value to the body.

By supplementing your diet with extra protein from Whey, it will help keep your body in an anabolic state, which means building muscle and burning fat. There are two times that it is very important for you to intake whey protein, when you wake up and right after you workout. You can also have a serving before you go to sleep to keep the anabolic effect working.

In general the amount of protein needed for effectively building muscle will be your body weight. For example if you weight 180 lbs, you will intake 180 grams of protein. What you needed to do is to divide the total grams of protein into 5 to 6 meals a day, so around 30 - 40 grams per meal. Most Whey protein powders offer 19 - 26 grams of protein per scoop. The ones with the least amount of flavor will usually contain the highest protein per serving.

You can take a look at many Whey Protein Powders some of the more popular ones are Champion Nutrition Pure Whey, Dymatize Elite, Nature's Best Isopure, MuscleTech Nitro-Tech, VPX Zero Carb and many others.


Could I be taking too many vitamins and supplements?

I have been trying very hard to improve my diet, health and fitness. I would like educated opinions on the idea of me taking TOO MANY vitamins and supplements along with my regular diet. Currently this is basically what I eat

Either a cup of oatmeal w/ a glass of milk OR a bowl of organic yogurt and organic granola
Scoop of Macro Greens Powder (greens superfood powder)
1 Salmon Oil (2 a day formula)
1 Alive! Whole food multivitamin (3 a day formula)
1 Glucosamine and MSM vitamin (2 a day formula but I only take 1 a day)
16 Ounces of water

Mid Morning snack:
apple or banana
protein shake (metrx protein plus, about 110 cal, 24 grams of protein)

half the week its chicken breast (boneless skinless), brown rice, and a huge handful of spinach and red leaf romaine. the other half the week its a regular turkey sandwich from quiznos on 9 grain artisan wheat, no mayo, no cheese w/ mustard, a tiny bit of pesto, mushrooms, onions, olives, mixed greens and tomatoes.

Mid afternoon meal:
chicken breast/thigh (boneless skinless) OR salmon filet
brown rice
organic soup (tomatoe or butternut squash from trader joes)
1 Alive! whole food multivitamin

Pre workout:
organic oatmeal
small scoop of protein, 15-20 grams of the metrx protein plus

post workout
immediately as im leaving the gym i down about 30grams of 100% whey isolates, dymatize elite brand

chicken breast/thigh (boneless skinless) or salmon filet, or turkey cutlets
green veggies - either brocolli, asparagus or a huge plate of raw spinach
on days that I work out i eat brown rice, non workout days i dont
1 Alive! whole food multivitamin
1 salmon oil
1 calcium chewable (2 a day but I only take one a day)

Before bed:
Metrx protein shake w/ milk on workout days and w/ water on non workout days

My workout program is an 8 day spread, 3 days of VERY heavy weight training, 2 days of cardio, and 3 days of rest in between those (2 days of rest after legs day, 1 day of rest somewhere else in between)

I drink a ton of water all day, not just when i wrote with meals

keep in mind, nearly ALL of my food is either "natural" or "organic." I am educated on what "natural" is for all you critical people.
ATTENTION: Thanks for the link Dr. but did you even read what I wrote here? Nearly all my vitamins are food based and all the food I eat are whole foods, and usually natural and organic. The protein I take is just straight up whey protein and a protein blend, nothing fancy and not at all like some of the heavily marketed body building supplements you see in magazines these day. My advice, please READ my diet and pay attention to the DETAILS. No comments please unless you read the whole thing!


Answer by Ed Atun
Yes. You probably already know that you are overdoing it. All of that protein is going into the toilet. Along with most of the chewables and the vitamins. Your body can produce large , powerful muscles with only a tiny amount of meat, cheese, or even peanuts. And you don't even need to eat them every day.

Sometimes it is psychological. You just feel stronger when you ingest the pills or powders. As if they were "proof" that you are pushing your body for maximum results.

Your diet is almost perfect in its balance.

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Read More About Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Powder

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