Wednesday 12 May 2010

Isolate Proteins slow release Iso-electric protein isolate. One of the best mixing and best tasting slow release proteins in the world.

Natural Whey Protein -- How Bad Are Bad Carbs? Worse Than No Exercise, New Findings On What Makes You Thin

Here's the skinny on getting skinny. What you eat is more important than how much you exercise. New findings support this and that's why it's so important to eat well -- and stay away from processed carbs like white flour and sugar! This means eating healthy meals and snacks that contain lean protein like organic whey, healthy fats like nuts and seeds, and unprocessed carbs like fresh vegetables or green drink superfood. It's true -- if you sustain your body on bad carbs and fatty meats, you're going to pack on the fat. Whereas if you get sufficient protein and unprocessed carbs and fats, you can stay thin even without being physically active. 

Let's look at the findings so you can see for yourself...

Researchers from John Hopkins, Howard University, University of Wisconsin, University of Ibadan and Loyola University compared the eating and exercise habits of two groups of women. The first group were rural Nigerians averaging 127 pounds, and the second group were African Americans from Chicago averaging 184 pounds. Here's what they found:

1.The lean Nigerians were NOT more physically active than the overweight women from Chicago. This was surprising because most of us think that thin people are more active than fat people. Not necessarily true.

2. The thin Nigerians had diets high in good, unprocessed carbs and fiber and low in fats and protein from animals, while the obese Americans had diets that were 40-45% higher in fats and processed "bad" carbs and other foods. 

What does this tell us? Even if you don't exercise, you can be slender as long as you eat unprocessed, healthy foods. But eat bad carbs and fatty protein and you'll gain weight. 

How to keep the weight off no matter how active you are? Do This No-Bad-Carb All Natural Whey Protein Shake 3-Step Plan!

STEP 1 --  Stop eating bad carbs altogether. And stop eating other processed items as well! Processed foods make you bloat with extra water weight and give you zero nutrition. Without nutrition, your body thinks it's starving and you tend to eat more and store more fat. 

STEP 2 --  Start eating the big three at every meal -- that's unprocessed carbs, lean protein and healthy fats, And eat the right amounts: a fist-size of lean protein, a fist-size of unprocessed carbs and a thumb-size of healthy fats. Your body needs them to:

Turn the carbs into glucose and create that steady supply of fuel  Provide fiber to curb hunger and stabilize blood sugar  Burn body fat -- if you don't get a steady supply of glucose your body thinks it's in emergency "starvation" mode and stores everything as fat instead of using it as energy


STEP 3 -- Have an all natural whey protein shake every morning and keep the main ingredients stocked. Natural whey protein powder shakes contain the perfect nutrition ratio mentioned in step 2. And they're easy to make! Plus you can have a natural whey protein shake as a meal replacement or a snack. 

To make the best shakes, to desired smoothness:  liquid (water, non-fat milk, plain soy milk or plain almond milk); natural whey isolate protein powder; good fat (omega oil, flax; green powder; fresh fruit; ice; optional essences and spices (vanilla, mint, cinnamon, nutmeg, or ginger).

Ready to give up the bad carbs so you can have a thin body whether you exercise or not? Start by shopping for your natural whey protein breakfast ingredients at  

How is an Isolate protein drink different from a non-isolate drink?

How is an Isolate protein drink different from a non-isolate drink? I took Russian Bear protein and made a shake with it for three months. I got acne and stopped drinking it. went to skin doctor and gave me some good stuff for my face. its good now and im hesitant about taking protein again. what is your take on IsoPure protein?
Russian Bear is non-isolate.


Answer by Andrew O.
Isolate just extracts the protein, non-isolate also takes fat and carbs from the source.

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Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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