Thursday 13 May 2010

Lose Fat Not Muscle

Losing Fat Gaining Muscle - 4 Tips To Reduce Body Fat Without Losing Muscle

Losing Fat Gaining Muscle

So It's Time To Reduce Body Fat

If you are like many people working out, you probably have a bit more body fat than you would like. There are tons of guys in gyms that lift hard during the year to gain mass, but they also have put on a bit of fat during this time. If you want a pleasing physique, you are going to need to get down to a respectable body fat level.

Tip Number 1: Continue to Lift Heavy During This Dieting Period

The common mistake that many people make is that they want to "lift for high reps" to tone the muscles. Tone is mainly caused by having a low body fat percentage, not the type of lifting you are performing. The reason you want to continue to lift heavy and make strength gains is that you want to make sure your body holds on to that hard earned muscle. If you lift light for high reps, your body doesn't have any reason to keep that muscle mass. Losing Fat Gaining Muscle

Tip Number 2: Reduce Body Fat at A Slow Rate

Give yourself plenty of time to get lean. Many people decide they want to get in shape two months before summer or a vacation. I recommend at least 3-4 months, if you want to get super-lean without losing muscle mass. The slower you reduce body fat, the less likely you will lose muscle mass. This makes sense because in order to lose body fat you need to eat less calories than what you burn and you need to perform a significant amount of cardio. In order to drop fat quickly, you have to go too low in calories to maintain the current amount of muscle you have. You will lose muscle mass. If you create a slight calorie deficit and lose only 1 to 2 pounds a week, you are much better off.

Tip Number 3: Perform High Intensity Interval Training

High Intensity Interval Training is the most effective form of cardio to burn body fat without losing muscle. To see the evidence, let's compare these two types of cardio in a real world situation. Sprinters have much more muscle than marathon runners. Sprinters perform a quick burst of effort, followed by a period of resting. Marathon runners train using the "slow and steady cardio" that is recommended by most trainers. I don't know about you, but I would rather look like a sprinter! When you hit cardio, alternate intense sprinting type efforts for 30 seconds followed by a minute or so of a less intense effort. Continue this pattern for 15 minutes. You will burn body fat while keeping that hard earned muscle. Losing Fat Gaining Muscle

Tip Number 4: Eat a "Realistic" Strict Diet

If you try to go too strict on your diet, you won't be able to maintain your diet for very long. My rule of thumb is this...I try to make sure that at least 75% of my meals are really clean and low calorie. If I do decide to eat a bit junky, I will try to make sure it is after a long and hard workout. Also I will eat pretty low carbs during the day before my workout, to maximize the amount of fat burned in my workout. If you have too much carbs in your system while working out, your body will burn carbs instead of the fat off your body. This really makes a big difference in your quest to reduce body fat. Losing Fat Gaining Muscle

How to lose fat but not muscle?

I am about 5'11 at about 240 pounds. I have started doing cardio daily. I am doing about 45 minutes of elliptical training every day, which according to the meter is burning about 500-600 calories. I have also changed my diet around to only intake about 1500 calories a day concentrating on eating a lot of fiber and protein in the form of eggs, lean meat, and tofu. I read a lot about losing fat, but they also warn about not losing muscle. Nothing has been too specific about that though. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to lose weight without losing too much muscle?


Answer by TAL
Do all the cardio you are doing. But still make sure you lift. Do your cardio in the morning if possible if you do it all at the same time lift before you do your cardio you shouldnt lose any strenght that way this is what im currently doing. just make sure you work your butt off in the weight room

Answer by ksneo627
at your size, 1500 is too few calories and you'll actually make your body store MORE fat. you need to fuel it enough to where it doesn't feel starved. at least aim for about 2200. hell, i'm 5'10 and 170 and i get about 2700 a day.

as for maintaing muscle mass, you're also doing the wrong exercise. cardio, esp prolonged steady state can eat away at muscle. your best bet is to weight train to keep the muscle mass (and eat enough to keep the size). when doing cardio, stick to sprints, or at least keep it under 20 mins.

Answer by jetli
Use it or lose it. Do bodybuilding to keep muscle. Do not cut calories. You need them to keep your muscle. BOTH Harvard U and gov. pyramid say not to cut calories but eat differently.

See site below so you can eat good fats to burn fat and avoid bad fat which will make you fat no matter what you do. Eat good carbs and avoid bad carbs which make you fat and give you diabetes (glycemic load).

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