Saturday 15 May 2010

Protein Supplement

3 Protein Supplements Explained

In my previous articles I discussed the various protein sources available. Many food groups can provide you with a rich and tasty source of protein. However, protein supplements are a quick and convenient way to effectively supplement your diet with additional protein. In this article I discuss in greater detail the various types of protein supplements available and how to effectively complement your diet with these products.

Now as I mentioned above, there are multiple food groups which can provide you with adequate levels of protein. So the first question you are probably asking is why should you use protein supplements if you can get sufficient protein from your diet? Well to be perfectly honest, protein supplements are not for everyone. For many people dietary sources of protein are perfectly adequate.

Protein supplements are very useful for individuals who are participating in a muscle building program. This is because weight training places an additional burden on your muscles so they require extra protein to repair and grow back stronger. Studies have also suggested that protein can help boost your metabolism and suppress your appetite making protein a good supplemnt for weight loss too. It is possible to consume this extra protein in your diet but protein supplements are often a quicker, more convenient source.

Now that you understand the usefulness of protein supplements you are probably wondering what types of protein supplement are available? Protein supplements come in a number of different forms which include bars, powders, drinks, shakes and more. There are also multiple different types of protein supplement and I have outlined the major types below:

1) WHEY PROTEIN:- This is the most popular type of protein supplement because it can be absorbed very quickly after working out. It is also considered to be the most efficient because it has the highest biological value of all proteins and therefore promotes the greatest lean muscle gains. The main drawback with whey protein is that it is only active for a short time after consumption.

2) MISCELLAR CASEIN:- This protein is comparatively rich compared with whey and it takes your body a lot longer to absorb. It is useful to consume casein just before you go to bed or on days where you are not doing any weight training because it is a slow release protein and so provides your muscles with an extended protein supply.

3) EGG AND SOY PROTEIN:- As the name suggests, these protein supplements consist mostly of natural ingredients. They are not as rich as casein supplements but they are easier to digest. Egg and soy protein also have a number of unique benefits compared with whey protein and soy protein in particular is one of the most important aspects of a vegetarian's diet.

I hope this article has opened your eyes to the various protein supplements available. Whilst not neccessary for everyone, they can be a quick, useful and convenient source of rapid or slow release protein (depending upon the type) which fulfill a number of goals including muscle gain, muscle toning and weight loss. If you are currently taking part in any kind of physical fitness training I highly recommend you read this article again and think about whether you should consider protein supplements.


Protein Supplement?

Ok I plan to give up meat for lent, I need a protein supplement what is a recomended supplement for vegetarians?
im still debateing on whether or not I will eat fish, I doubt I will though


Answer by maggie
All of these have protein in them - some of these, ounce for ounce, have more protein in them than meat, and some of these are a complete source of protein (all the amino acids, like meat):

Dairy, eggs, tempeh, tofu, seitan (wheat gluten), TVP (texturized vegetable protein), fake meat products (Boca, Morningstar, other veggie burgers), whole grains (like quinoa), whole grain pasta, fortified soy milk, beans, nuts, seeds, bean sprouts, whole grain or sprouted grain breads, some vegetables.

Answer by christnp
People who give up meat for lent traditionally eat a lot of fish and seafood. Other sources of protein include beans, eggs, cheese, nuts, dairy products.

Answer by Scocasso !
Again, every living thing uses protein as its building blocks.
You can't avoid protein.
Besides, we don't need protein... we need amino acids - we use them to make proteins. Any whole proteins we eat, are broken down into usable amino acids anyway... a process which takes more energy... less efficient. Fruit is high in amino acids. Sprouts are too. Potatoes. Yams... lots of stuff.

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Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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