Thursday 13 May 2010

Protine Whey

Muscle Building Faq

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15 year prehistoric trying to build muscle..relieve?
im 5'6 and 142. im trying to go onto a work out that builds muscle and only supplements bad be using are whey protein. please give me the info i need to own to build as much muscle for my whole body as soon as possable. thank you....

15 yearold building muscle?
Im 15 years old im 5'8 i weight 142. i workout every 2 days.but my weightiness wont stay still i want to know what pills i can take to get muscle faster. In decree to gain muscle you need protein. So I recomend altering your diet to include lean low...

how should i start my daily routine? i dont have any perception what to do Plannning on building muscles on my biceps and arms and shoulders (not trying to lose fat) im guessing thats about 30lbs. lol. what i do is I take a sip of hose...

16 year mature wishes proposal on losing substance and building muscle?
ok so i weigh 169 and im 5ft. 11inch. the problem that i am having is should i lose weight or build muscle. witch one should i do first and how do i dance about doing it. is it possible to lose weight and...

16 year older masculine necessitate muscle building sustain.?
I am a 16 year old male 5 foot 7 inches tall 122 pounds 7% body fat. I want to build some muscle, not to much but only enough to help me attract girls. Anyone hold few good exercises i can do to help that, gratefulness. you...

16 years older and tryna build muscle. Need sum advive, tips, back, anything?
well im 16 and ive been working out lately and im 5'10" and 145lbs. and i wanna know wat i can do to build muscle faster, im currently on a 100% whey protein drink, multi viatamin pills and fish grease capsules. i...

16. 130 pounds. 6'2. But I want some authentic ways to gain solidity, I inevitability to gain bulk so I can build muscle.?
I want real ways, no matter what to build mass so I can build muscle, At this point I work out and see little to no results because of...

16yr weak build muscle, facilitate please
ive always had a skinny physique, nearly 139 pounds, 5ft 7" i play alot of field hockey and need to build muscle, is it better to agree to nature take its course or how can I build muscle, specially contained by the chest and upper arms. just need...

1700 Calorie Diet. Looking to build muscle & keep hold of abs! Help!?
Okay, I'm skinny. I wan't to gain muscle. I talked to a nutritionist and she told me I should be eating 1700 calories a year and gave me meals plans, etc. However, I want to hold on to my six...

2 question please 1 what are some appropriate exercises to build muscle and not lose immensity!?
and is it true there can be alot of muscle under butter? There is lot's of answers to loosing or attainment weight, it seems every body know the answers. In reality if you don't get the...

27 yr aged M. I can't put away fish or poultry due to allergies. What can i get through to build muscle/tone + weights.?
Bison is drastically good for you. Any lean meats are fine, unless you cannot eat meat and poultry and fish, then your option would enjoy to be to eat foods...

3 meal a afternoon vs 6 meal a morning, which is better for muscle building?
Whats better 3 large meals a hours of daylight like every 5-7 hours and maybe a snack, or 5-6 smaller meal every 2-3 hours? as a trainer i'll tell you this if your working out adjectives your muscles daily as...

30 manly , 6'2 245lbs. , I want back on loseing counterbalance, and building muscle. Please give support to?
i have tried the gym, dieted, and walked my legs sour, what can i do to lose weight and build muscle?? please help i'm soaring but getting little over weight, Try mountain biking or cycling, ...

4-6 reps or 10-12 reps for building muscle?
Im trying to build muscle mass, not necessarily strength. I have a slender build and have trouble getting hold of weight. I work out 5 days a week, 1-2 muscle groups per day. plz support! lower reps and higher weights and dont forget your protein...

5 small meal a hours of daylight to build muscle..?
i know that to build muscle you have to be doing the right work out but also hav to be eating the right amount wich im pretty sure is around 4-6 small meal of protein a day, but what would you class as a small...

wat r easy ways to build up muscle?? and easy road to gain a 6-pack im 13 and i really want to do gain these things in about 3-4 months ***dont convey me sites that sells products i want from personal experience and the easiest ways THANXX FOR...

7 ways to fluently boost testosterone and build muscle!?
check out this link. its real comfortable. i hit a plateau in my work outs so i started doing this and i gotta say it works great. it give me that extra push i need to get surrounded by the extra reps. ive gained over...

A ask on building muscle.i'm clueless so please HELP!?
I am working out at my local gym 5 times a week, doing at least 30 mins cardio, and then moving onto the weights. I'm looking to lose some body large, and primarily tone up and hopefully develop some muscle, quite a bit if i can!...

A breakfast for building muscle?
I'm trying to build muscle. I'm not going to drink protine shakes so I'm going to eat foods with alot of protine within them. If I was going to go to the gym to workout contained by the morning, would a good breakfast be this... 1 toasted piece of brown...

A completely unconscious process to build muscle?
Is there a completely natural bearing to build muscle for a 14 year old? Without gyming, doing weights etc. Clearly speaking it is not possible to brand muscles like a macho man for a 14 years old boy. The prime cause is the secretion of hormones. The...

A couple of muscle building question?
Sorry, but I didn't feel like posting more than one interrogate =P 1-What are the differences between all of these different protein supplements? Why do they have resembling pre-workout, post-workout, and recovery Aren't they adjectives just protein? 2-What would happen if I only just drank like 2 protein...

A cross-examine something like building muscle?
alright so suppose you have a fat individual [no offense] that starts a weightlifting exercise regime & eats healthy & what not. things be in motion well for them, does the weight training a) burn stale their fat and then once the obese is burned off build up...

A diet for a teen which help loose solidity but not build muscle?
first of all, why not build/gain muscle? and second, there is possibleno passageway to loose weight and not build/gain muscle. Source(s): teen, weightlifting almost everyday You wont gain muscle, to gain muscle you have to train resembling a mammoth and eat like...

A examine roughly speaking building muscle?
I want to build muscle, and i also have to do cardio too. I have to hold in a lot of protein to build muscle also. If i build muscle through freight lifting and do cardio to create a caloric deficit so that i lose weight too, will that...

A few muscle building question...?
1: ive been doing loads of push ups and i haven't seen any make over in my pecs' size. why? 2: (referring to question 1) do i stipulation to build my shoulder muscles to get a visible different size for my pecs? if i do please detail me...

probebly a stuped question but is it safe to take creatine with whey protine?

Also,does anyone have any other suggestions of products i could take along with whey protine to promote muscle build?


Answer by pjswifey
No question is a stupid question. I am not a doctor, but I don't think that is recommended. Usually, men opt for creatine to build bigger muscles and bulk up and women opt for whey protein for extra protein to help burn fat and tone muscle! Are you trying to achieve somewhere in between or something? For muscle build, just go with the creatine. They would sell it over the counter at so many popular stores if it weren't safe! Check out this site also...

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