Thursday 6 May 2010

Whey Protein: Healthy Aging

A major part of healthy aging is a healthy body. A healthy body can become a reality when we start to eat healthy and maintain our bone and muscle strength. It is no surprise that muscle loss and bone deterioration are two major concerns for aging people. These two ailments if not treated can lead to serious health problems in men and women alike. That is why it is important to eat a healthy and nutritionally valuable diet throughout our lives.

One way to improve our bone and muscle health is through the consumption of whey protein. A recent study which compared whey protein to casein protein (found in milk) illustrated that older men who consumed whey protein showed greater protein synthesis. Through greater protein synthesis the participants experienced less muscle loss over a period of time. Since we begin to lose muscle mass around the age of 40, consuming more whey protein and exercising regularly can helps us retain our bodily strength much longer.

Another recent study showed that people who consumed low levels of protein experienced significant loss of bone density in just a matter of four years.  The study revealed that the participants experienced the highest bone loss in the spine and hip area. It is clear that it does not take much time for our bones and muscles to become weak. That is why constant maintenance is essential, even crucial. This of course is not only true for the elderly, but for people of any age. Furthermore, as an added bonus, protein has been known to help people lose weight. Similar to the hoodia pills, protein has been known to help you feel full longer. As you can see, protein is an important factor towards healthy aging and weight maintenance.    

Read More About Whey Protein: Healthy Aging

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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