Wednesday 12 May 2010

Build Muscle Without Protein

Gain Muscle - What does one pound of muscle look like? Brad Pilon of and shows you what a pound of muscle looks like, and why your muscles aren't actually made completely of protein. If you want to build muscle, you need to know that not only are your muscles mostly water, but also that a pound of muscle is actually very large. For more expert advice of building muscle, losing weight or fasting visit and

Protein Build Muscle - Best Protein Supplement To Build Muscle

Protein Build Muscle

There are 2 main categories of protein that stand above the rest, whey and soy.
Whey is said to be the best type of protein when used after a workout.The concept of whey is that it gives you all the nutrients you need after your workout fast, which is within 1 hour after you finish your workout.

Whey protein is often said to have the best anabolic compound to construct lean muscle mass. When buying any type of protein, make sure to get isolate, this is the best protein supplement on the market, it is the most potent formula. ISO Sensation 93 by Ultimate Nutrition is one of the best isolate whey proteins on the market today consisting of 98% pure protein.

Soy protein is believed to be a protein more familiar with the female body (it is said it is harder to gain muscle). Experts believe that Whey protein and Soy protein are equal in their performance. To each his/her own which ever you think works best for you. Protein Build Muscle

The best quality protein you can buy is in food such as meat, chicken, nuts. These foods are extremely important to consume and are superior to any type of powder, except right after you workout. The best form of protein after a intense workout is powder isolate, whey or soy.

Above all make sure when buying any kind of protein, get the isolate, this is the best protein supplement and will give you the best bang for your buck. Be assured that the type of protein you buy will not give you a 5 star body, doing the work will and the right supplementation for you will help you in attaining your goals.

It is important to note that if you are a cold sore sufferer to stay away from the proteins with plenty of arginine, as this triggers the virus.

If you are interested in viewing an article on revolutionary workout program especially formulated for skinny guys (hardgainers) please check out the link below. Protein Build Muscle

Can you build muscle without protein?

A few months ago i went to the gym for 3 months and i barely built any muscle. and i know i was doing the workouts right. ( My friend is a Trainer). I did eat a lot of fatty food and not enough protein when i was working out. Can protein make a huge difference when im working out?

im 15 I weight 119 and im 5'4. How much protein Should i intake?


Answer by Sawyer
ur little dude i am 12 i weight 110 and im 5'6
i take about 2 to 3 eggs a day and a little more

Answer by Nadja1505
no u need protien and good nutrition
a good book is the zone but you only need to read a section of it and it really helps

Answer by Deb
Yes, it can. Muscle is made of protein. If you don't get enough in your diet your body will try to take it from within your body. It will do vital repair actions before it builds muscle. So you defeat your purpose to work out and not eat protein. When you work out, you are tearing down muscle. You need to have protein to build them up again. How much protein is important. Your trainer should be able to help you with this also.

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Read More About Build Muscle Without Protein

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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