Friday 30 April 2010

The Most Important Weapon In Your Bodybuilding Arsenal - Whey Protein

If you\'re looking to get big, you already know how important eating right is. You can\'t just cram down pizzas and hamburgers all day after the gym and expect to get ripped. I\'ve seen guys take that approach, and trust me, a flabby belly over your ripped abs in NOT what you\'re after.

Sure, there might be some protein in junk food. Maybe it\'s hiding under all the fat, grease, chemicals and who knows what else is in that fast food hamburger. But why are you going to let yourself eat that?

You work hard at the gym and don\'t do junk exercises - you don\'t need junk food or junk protein. You need lots of high quality protein day in and day out to get ripped.

Your muscles are literally screaming for nutrition after your workout. They need to rebuild themselves and start growing new muscle tissue. They are ready to work for you, but need fuel to do so.

Enter into the picture: whey protein.

Guys, I am going to hammer this into you - you need whey protein. This is simply an unchanging truth about bodybuilding. Bench press will build your pecs. Squats will grow your legs. Whey will help you grow.

Why is whey protein so special though? A protein is a protein, right? Wrong! Whey protein is so special for 2 main reasons.

First off, whey protein is full of the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs for short). Whey protein contains the highest amount of BCAAs of any source of protein you\'ll find. These are the building blocks your body needs to build muscle protein. In fact, about one third of all your muscle tissue is actually made of just BCAAs.

Secondly, whey protein has the highest Biological Value (BV) of any known protein. BV is a very complicated issue, but to sum it up it means how quickly and efficiently can a human body absorb the nitrogen in a protein source. Whey is actually able to be absorbed with perfect efficiency - it\'s BV is 100%! This is 4-45% higher than other proteins.

What does all this mean? It means whey protein is chock full of the essential amino acids your body needs to grow muscle. It also means whey protein is the best and fastest source for protein post-workout.

You owe it to yourself to get the highest quality protein possible. Without lots of the amino acids and nutrients in whey protein, all your hard work at the gym will go to waste.

Read More About The Most Important Weapon In Your Bodybuilding Arsenal - Whey Protein

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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