Tuesday 18 May 2010

Weight Loss Shakes


when is the best time to drink weight loss shakes?

i bought these new weight loss shakes at cos co and it says that it can be a one or two meal replacement...when is the best time to drink it?...skip breakfast and drink it...skip lunch and drink it...or skip dinner and drink it?


Answer by Britta Britta
I would drink the weight-loss shake for breakfast AND lunch...

You see, the shake will (most likely) give you a good amount of energy as well. You don't want to be too energized at night, do you? Keep in mind, however, that you must eat a small dinner (maybe cereal, a small salad, etc) so your stomach will be less full when you go to bed!

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Weight Loss Shakes are the Secret to Easy Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, following an easy and enjoyable routine is essential.  Weight loss shakes are that easy, enjoyable routine!

For me, nothing is easier and more enjoyable than using a meal replacement shake once or twice a day.  They are easy to make, extremely healthy, taste great and can be made at work, home or on the go with very little fuss or mess.

Even if you do not incorporate one or two shakes into your daily routine, they can be a life-saver because many of them can be taken (or made) on the go for a quick hunger fix.

The diet industry knows this and as a result there are numerous quality products on the market to choose from.

Shakes can be used as a base for adding healthy supplements, yet mask the taste of them with something that tastes great.  This way they can be fortified with all the essential vitamins and minerals you need and still be healthy and delicious.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, you can also add protein and fiber as well - making it a healthy and tasty super-food.

How to choose a shake

When determining which shake to use, make sure it fits your needs.  It should have the right blend of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber.  It should also contain additional beneficial ingredients such as antioxidants and natural cleansing agents.  Some things to keep in mind when choosing a shake:

It has to be healthy (filled with all the goodness you need in one quick serving, not just a regular shake with a few vitamins added.  Study the ingredient list and use your best judgment).
It must taste good (if it tastes bad, you won't want to continue to use it - and an enjoyable routine is a must for long term success).
It fits your budget (This too is a requirement for long term routine success).
Easy to prepare (If it's a hassle to make, you will eventually stop doing it.  Many shakes can be made by just emptying a packet into a bottle of water and shaking).
And finally, it must bring you the results you are looking for.  You should see and feel a difference within the first week or two of using them.  Even if it is not much, but provides an easier and more enjoyable alternative to starving yourself and spending hours at the gym, then you may have found a winner.

Some last minute advice

I personally like to add fruit to mine; it actually makes it a refreshing treat as opposed to a mundane weight loss task.  Fruit (in moderation) will give you plenty of healthy vitamins, minerals and antioxidants as well as give you the healthy energy you need in the morning to get you going.

When I prepare a shake in the evening, I do not add fruit, but may add protein and powdered vegetable greens.  This keeps the sugars down, the nutrients up and allows me to sleep easier at night.

I also personally use shakes that cleanse and Detox the body.  Detox shakes will give you more energy naturally without having to resort to metabolic enhancers.  Detoxing has also been shown to speed up the weight loss process.


When it comes to weight loss, shakes can be a life saver in more ways than one.  Try incorporating a shake or two to your daily regimen for your long term health and success.

Experiment with different ones in terms of price, convenience, taste and effectiveness and I know you will find the right product that can take you to the next level.

Good Luck!

Read More About Weight Loss Shakes

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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