Wednesday 19 May 2010

Whey Protein Carbs


Should I have breakfast in the morning along with drinking my Isopure Zero Carbs Whey Protein?

I work out 4-5 times a week for at leat 1 hour. I do Power Plate, fast running and serious weight lifting. I have not seen any serious change at my bentch press and I am a little worried that I might not do something wright...
I weight 78 kilos and my height is 1.80m.
My trainer says to drink 30 grams of my protein in the morning and another 30 grams straight after workout.
I want to gain muscles and I am trying hard but with no serious results for 2 years. Ok, I took some muscles and lost some fat but that's it! I want a six pack and stronger upper body.

Please help.....

Thanks in advance!


Answer by Mikez
Fast running and power plate? You're doing too much cardio and not allowing your body to fully recuperate from all that exercise. If your goal is to truly gain muscle you must first focus on getting stronger and more powerful, muscle will come as a result of this. Concentrate on compound exercises: Squats, Deadlifts, Pull-ups, Standing Overhead Presses, and Bench Presses. Skip machines and stick to free weights.

Squats will give you all the aerobic conditioning you need. Start with some heavy sets/low reps(3-5) of traditional Squats followed with a few sets of lower weight/higher reps (8-12) of overhead squats, then finish off with some lunges and you've got the best muscle building/aerobic workout possible.
And if you want to increase your bench numbers do what I do. Stop benching for a few months and replace it with Standing Overhead Presses, followed with Close Grip Benches this routine will give you huge gains in your Bench. Remember that you won't be able to add serious muscle to your upper body if you neglect the most important part, wich is the lower body. And you should definitely eat breakfast every day.

In case you don't know how top perform some of the exercises:
Standing Overhead Press

Overhead Squat


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Benefits of Whey Protein in 2008

In recent years, the subject of whey protein has come up often in health discussions. Know what whey protein is, its possible benefits and side effects and more as you read on.

What is Whey Protein

Whey protein is actually a term used to describe a group of globular proteins that can be separated from whey. When cow's milk is used to manufacture cheese, it also leads to the production of whey, which may or may not be discarded. It is a mixture of lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin and serum albumin.

Similar to protein found in egg white, it can also be irreversibly changed by heat. When made part of the pasteurization process, it becomes less bio-active. If not, whey protein naturally becomes bio-active which basically means it contains a high concentration of cysteine and consequently glutathione, an antioxidant that is essential to improved fitness and health.

Bio-active whey protein is an active source for protein but exposure to extreme heat can easily reduce the amount of cysteine in it without affecting its protein content and basic food value.

What Makes It Good for the Body

Because whey protein contains an inordinate amount of essential and non-essential acids, it frequently plays a prominent role in most low-carb and high-protein diets. Another reason for this is because of its low content of fats and of course, carbohydrates.

Why Pregnant Mothers Love Whey Protein

A number of OBs have advised their gravid patients to increase their intake of whey protein because it will provide the basic amount of amino acids needed by the growing infants inside their bodies. An increased intake of it will naturally improve and speed up the development of the baby. Also, increased intake of whey will indirectly improve the immune system of the baby. In its growing stages, it is highly vulnerable to different types of illnesses. With the help of whey, it grow faster and better and more equipped to defend itself against any health complication.

Whey Protein for Bodybuilding Enthusiasts

For bodybuilders, muscle growth is everything and that's why they love whey so much. Studies have satisfactorily proven that it can lead to acceleration of muscle development. This is welcomed news especially for bodybuilders who are only a few weeks away from the date of competition but is still in high need of muscle growth.

How it Helps Athletes Busy Recovering from Old Injuries

In this case, whey saves the day once more because it can be used to supplement diets of individuals who are suffering from compromised immune systems. Basically, it helps athletes heal faster and feel better.

A Weapon against Degenerative Diseases

Although you can't truly say that any disease is less painful than the other if both have life-altering consequences, it is an inarguable fact however that degenerative diseases are one of the worst health complications to suffer from. These illnesses tend to subject people to a protracted form of suffering and with symptoms with increasing levels of severity. They commonly affect three systems in particular: the nervous system, the muscular system and the skeletal system.

Although rarely curable, degenerative diseases can be treated through chemotherapy, surgical operations and the proper diet. Whey is often a part of this diet because of its rehabilitative benefits especially when it comes to muscle growth. Cancer, diabetes and AIDS have symptoms that causes muscle strength and growth to deteriorate - an undesirable effect that can be combated with increased intake of whey.

Where to Buy Whey Protein

Are you sufficiently convinced of the benefits of whey then? If so, you should be happy to know that you can avail of commercial whey protein product in most supermarkets and specialty food stores specializing in healthy food.

Ending with a Warning

Whey protein is good for the body - no doubt about it - but too much consumption of anything is never beneficial. Too much intake of whey protein can lead to unnecessary complications of your liver. And need we remind you that the liver is the next most important organ in the body? Lastly, lactose intolerant individuals must consume whey isolate rather than the normal variety as the former has less lactose content.

Read More About Whey Protein Carbs

Posted via email from Whey Protein Powder

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